You can find fresh asparagus at the grocery store or at many local farm markets |
One of the first crops to emerge and be harvested in the spring is asparagus. This delectable and succulent perennial vegetable is all too often steamed or boiled beyond recognition and then swathed in a coating of butter or Hollandaise sauce.
As much as I love anything that uses real butter, I also love keeping some of the crunch in my asparagus. That's why one of my go-to preparation methods for this veggie is roasting.
Roasting asparagus is a fast, simple and reliable. There are only two caveats: first, make sure the asparagus spears you use are fairly uniform in diameter, and second, be sure the oil you use holds up well in high heat. Virgin olive oil is one of the better choices for use.
After roasting your spears, season lightly with salt, lemon juice and / or chopped fresh chives (also available in the kitchen garden at this time of year).
Roast Asparagus
1 lb. asparagus spears, with the woody bottom of the stems trimmed off.
1/3 - 1/2 c. virgin olive oil
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Cover a lipped baking sheet with a sheet of aluminum foil. Evenly coat the foil with the olive oil. Place into the oven for 8 - 10 minutes or until oil is sizzling.
Toss asparagus spears onto heated baking sheet; the spears will begin to sizzle. Use tongs to swirl and coat with hot oil. Return to hot oven and roast 6 - 10 minutes, or until a fork easily pierces the fattest spear.
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